True Success is Kingdom-minded, Spirit-focused, Healthy, Sustainable, and not achieved alone.
The Kingdom Board of Advisors is a group of prosperous, established business leaders with a heart for the Lord. Meeting once a month, these leaders enrich one another in life and business with a clear goal in mind: make the most of everything we have been given to steward, unto the success of one another for the sake of the Kingdom.

Truly successful Christian Business Leaders with an average of 40+ years of business leadership.
An engaged and open well-spring of resources and direction that believes, success in business is meant to give God glory.
Leaders with priorities that set each other up for wholistic success: in faith, our families, and our businesses.
Expert industry knowledge, prime contacts, and time-tested solutions.
Meaningful connection with fellow seasoned, spirit-filled business leaders committed to the success of each member for the sake of the Kingdom.
No question should be avoided. Access the wisdom and specialized knowledge of each Kingdom Board Member.
Once monthly call where following Holy Spirit in prayer and discussion provides illumination of paths to fulfilling each unique call of God.
Times of mutual enrichment, joyful expectation, and pursuit of God's voice together, unto success in faith, family, and business.